Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Hi friends!!!

Can you rememmber what about I was writtening in the last article? About Sri Lankas acient cities! Today I continue with it. Today the first is Adam´s Peak. It is believed that Lord Buddha placed his footprint on the summit of this sacred mountain during his third visit to the isle, hence the name Sri Pada which literally means 'the sacred footprint'. Adam's Peak is a pilgrimage for four religions.It is 7,360 feet in height and is the forth highest mountain in the country and has several approaches, the main ones being through the Hatton town and Ratnapura District. Annually, from December to April, devotees climb the mountain to pay homage to the holy site.
The next one is Dambulla Vihara. Located north of Kandy and considered by most to be the center point of SriLanka, Dambulla is a town built around a vast isolated rock mass measuring 500 ft. It is a UNESCO World Heritage Site.It was here that King Valagambahu took refuge in the 1st century B.C. The view from the top of this rock is breathtaking 350 ft.above are a series of five caves which was later turned into a magnificent rock temple by King Valagambahu. In the first cave is a recumbent image of the Buddha 47 ft, long , cut out from the rock. There are images of deities associated with Buddhism. The frescoes on the walls and ceiling could be dated to the 15th - 18th centuries. In the second cave, the finest and the largest , are not less than 150 life size statues of gods. There are numerous images of the Buddha as well. The ceiling too is covered with frescoes which depict great events in the life of the Buddha , and landmarks in the history of the Sinhala People.

Carla Kristof

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